
I am a philosophy postgraduate student and I've worked in teaching for 14 years. I am not an expert in relationships, social etiquette, political correctness, medical cases, legal matters, and so on. I'm probably not an expert in teaching or philosophy either. My blog is meant as a catalogue of philosophical arguments and a record of my life navigating the terrain of academic philosophy. The content is for entertainment or informational purposes only; I am not providing readers with advice in any form, and if you choose to act upon any information on this blog, you do so at your own risk. I cannot be held responsible for whatever negative consequences may ensue. But I am happy to be credited for all the positive consequences though.  Always consult a professional if in doubt.

I attend the University of Nottingham, but the opinions and arguments expressed on this blog should not be taken as representing the views of UoN.

Most of the opinions on here are my own, but in true philosophical style, sometimes I adopt positions for the sake of argument. I don't aim to offend, but if you find you are offended, please feel free to stop reading my blog.

The information expressed on this blog is correct to the best of my knowledge, but I cannot be held responsible for inaccurate or misleading information on this blog or on the pages I provide links to. But feel free to let me know about any inaccurate or misleading information if you do find any on here.

I reserve the right to change how I manage or run my blog at any time, without prior notice, and I may change the focus or content of my blog at the drop of a hat.

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